Descusión usuario:Edmundwoods
Biemplegato/a t'a Biquipedia, Edmundwoods !
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Ta acompletar a presentazión, te consellamos que te faigas una chicota gollada per as recomendazions á seguir (os regles de neutralidat, l'almesibilidat d'es articlos, o Copyright...) e tamién per es Portals, á on que sin garra dandalo bi trobarás bel tema que t'interese.
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Se quiers, puez tamién dezir-mos d'á on yes e es tuyos temas d'interés. Ta fer-lo puez modificar a tuya pachina personal. Se yes plegato d'altra Wikipedia, no t'oblides de ficar-ie tamién es binclos enta as tuyas altras pachinas personals.
Ta fer más fazil a comunicazión interlingüistica entre es usuarios, puez endicar cuals luengas conoixes -e á qué nibel- encluyindo aintro d'a tuya plana personal cualsiquiera d'as plantillas que trobarás á Wikipedia:Babel.
E sobre qué custions á tratar, no te pienses de contautar-me u de consultar "cómo planteyar un tema". No t'oblides tampoco que esiste una lista d'articlos importants que encara s'han de fer, á on bi tiens un buen cabo t'a estibar se encara no sapes per á on prenzipar. Ta dentrar en a bida d'a comunidat puez airar una gollada t'as notizias u fer una pasada enta A Tabierna.
Ya te sían buenos es tiempos entre nusaltros!
Welcome to the Aragonese Wikipedia! Biemplegatos t'a Wikipedia de l'aragonés!
The following are relevant links for non-Aragonese speakers:
If you require any assistance here, you may contact me or any of our ambassadors listed at our embassy. You may also leave a message there for the attention of the whole Aragonese Wikipedia community. Should the assistance you require be technical in nature, please leave a note with one of our sysops/administrators.
To sign your message, please type four tildes (~~~~) after it if you are using your local Aragonese Wikipedia account, or the InterWiki link [[:[Your Wikipedia language code] : [Name of your page] | [Your personal ID] ]], followed by five tildes (~~~~~) to allow for the date to accompany your message if you are using your foreign Wikipedia account. It would be preferable if you could indicate which Wikipedia language version you are from (meaning the one you most regularly use) to simplify any referencing or liaison that may follow. Enjoy your stay here at the Aragonese Wikipedia. Cheers!
The English version is not exactly the same that the Aragonese one, but a reduced version. There's no Spanish version :-) --Willtron (?) 14:49 17 abi 2007 (UTC)
That user pages were deleted because of vandalism --Willtron (?) 20:39 15 abi 2007 (UTC)
- This vandalsm consist on several nasty images preceded by a non sense text (something like "lmao pwnt faggot -eddie agueybana") in the case of Usuario:EdmundEzekielMahmudIsa and the text "ahahh" in Usuario:Edmundkh, now restored and redirected to User:Edmundwoods. Regards --Willtron (?)
15:05 16 abi 2007 (UTC)
[modificar o codigo]Hi. There were a vandal in Aragonese Wikipedia (user:Boricuaeddie) who vandalised several wikipedia's pages. One of this pages was your user page. When I blocked this vandal, first I blocked you for mistake, instead of block Boricuaeddie. A few time latter I realized that mistake and I unblocked EdmundEzekielMahmudIsa and blocked Boricuaeddie. SOrry for my bad English. CHV (O mío Buzón de Correus) 13:43 16 abi 2007 (UTC)
- This is not the Aranese Wikipedia, it's the Aragonese Wikipedia. Aranese is a occitan's dialect, aragonese is a independient language. CHV (O mío Buzón de Correus) 17:21 16 abi 2007 (UTC)
I'm deeply sorry for confusing the words "Aragonese" and "Aranese". --King Edmund of the Woods 18:02 16 abi 2007 (UTC)