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Alan Sillitoe

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Alan Sillitoe
O escritor y poeta britanico Alan Sillitoe, en una imachen de 2009.
O escritor y poeta britanico Alan Sillitoe, en una imachen de 2009.
Información personal
Calendata de naixencia 4 de marzo de 1928
Puesto de naixencia Nottingham (Nottinghamshire, Reino Uniu)
Calendata de muerte 25 d'abril de 2010
Puesto de muerte Londres (Reino Uniu)
Ocupación Escritor, poeta, dramaturgo y novelista
Conchuche Ruth Fainlight

Alan Sillitoe, naixito de Nottingham (Nottinghamshire) o 4 de marzo de 1928 y muerto en Londres o 25 d'abril de 2010,[1] estió un escritor, poeta, dramaturgo y novelista britanico, a qui se clasificaba en o grupo d'os Angry young men.

  • 1958: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning.
  • 1959: The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.
  • 1960: The General.
  • 1961: Key to the Door.
  • 1964: Road To Volgograd.
  • 1965: The Death of William Posters.
  • 1967: The City Adventures of Marmalade Jim.
  • 1967: A Tree on Fire.
  • 1968: A Sillitoe Selection: Eight Short Stories,.
  • 1970: A Start in Life.
  • 1971: Travels in Nihilon.
  • 1973: Men, Women and Children.
  • 1973: From Canto Two of The Rats.
  • 1974: Somme.
  • 1974: The Flame of Life.
  • 1976: Down to the Bone.
  • 1977: Day-Dream Communiqué.
  • 1977: Big John and the Stars.
  • 1976: The Widower's Son.
  • 1978: The Incredible Fencing Fleas.
  • 1979: The Storyteller.
  • 1980: Marmalade Jim at the Farm.
  • 1980: More Lucifer.
  • 1982: Her Victory.
  • 1983: The Lost Flying Boat.
  • 1983: The Saxon Shore Way: From Gravesend to Rye.
  • 1984: Down from the Hill.
  • 1984: Marmalade Jim and the Fox.
  • 1985: Life Goes On.
  • 1987: Out of the Whirlpool.
  • 1987: Every Day of the Week: An Alan Sillitoe Reader.
  • 1989: The Open Door.
  • 1990: Last Loves.
  • 1991: Leonard's War A Love Story.
  • 1991: Shylock the Writer.
  • 1993: The Mentality of the Picaresque Hero.
  • 1993: Snowstop.
  • 1995: Life Without Armour (autobiografía).
  • 1998: The Broken Chariot.
  • 1999: The German Numbers Woman.
  • 2001: Birthday.
  • 2004: A Man of His Time.


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