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This file may be updated to reflect new information. If you wish to use a specific version of the file without it being overwritten, please upload the required version as a separate file.
Notes for Editors:
This map is and should always be derived from Canuckguy's File:BlankMap-World6.svg, which is in human-editable plain text (svg+xml) format.
Please do not change any country borders here, but always take the latest version of File:BlankMap-World6.svg as as basis.
For the IBAN countries, there is a block of style definitions involving country codes at the beginning of this file IBANMap-World6.svg.
Please check the SWIFT IBAN Registry Download and regularily for additional countries using the IBAN, and insert their TLD codes in the block mentioned above.
For a new version of IBANMap-World6.svg, please merge the following 3 parts:
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atribución d'autoría – Ha d'atribuir l'autoría d'o treballo d'a traza especificada por l'autor u persona que l'haiga licenciau (pero no pas de traza que suchiera que l'autor/os autors refirma(n) u refirma(n) l'uso que faigas d'o treballo).
compartir igual – En caso d'alterar, transformar u enamplar iste treballo, habrá de distribuir o treballo resultant solament baixo a mesma licencia u beluna equivalent.
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Map showing worldwide usage of the International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
Karte, die weltweite Verwendung der internationalen Bankkontonummer (IBAN) zeigt
Carte montrant l'utilisation mondiale du International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
Iste fichero contiene información adicional, probablement adhibida dende a camara dichital, o escáner u o programa emplegau ta creyar-lo u dichitalizar-lo. Si o fichero ha estau modificau dende o suyo estau orichinal, bells detalles podrían no refleixar de tot o fichero modificau.